Pray for our leadership and for the young adults who will experience Jesus through the work of SHIFT.
Home Creators: As we renovate properties and turn them into homes, we will have a need for volunteers with and without a background in skilled trades and construction.
Knowledge Sharers: As we prepare our program participants for adulthood, we want to equip them for success with teaching in a variety of areas: finances, independent living skills, employment or education acquisition, etc. This teaching will be provided by volunteers who are passionate about sharing their expertise.
Mentors: Each of our program participants will be paired with a mentor. These mentors will be followers of Christ who will walk beside their mentee to support them and hold them accountable to their goals.
Items: Most of the young adults who enter our program have never had their own bedroom, some have never had their own bed, and even fewer have had a living space of their own. We want to give them a living space, but we also want it to feel like home. To turn our properties into warm and inviting homes, we appreciate donations of furniture and household items.
Financial: Donations can be made online or via mail. Please see below.
Supportive Housing Improving Foster Transition (SHIFT) is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and contributions to SHIFT are tax-deductible within the parameters of the tax code.
Please contact us for our mailing address.
Checks can be made payable to SHIFT.